Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Then It Fell Open

It was a storm lurking. It was electricity plugged around the lungs. Insults. They store up like a charge in the body. We call this tension and it hurts. It is said that where there is tension there is suppression of feeling. Therefore the tension in the body is the shadow, it is the feelings and views about ourselves that we cannot entertain. So they are locked away in the muscles, the organs, the posture, even the cells. The unconcious is there to be read in the very body. If I can feel the feelings beneath the suface tensions then I can own who I am and I can engage once more in my life, fully and with feeling. If I cannot sit with my feeling I tense it up, lock it away and then it haunts me as unrealistic responses and patterned.non spontaneous life. Rule, routines, petty selfish thoughts of self preservation. And then it falls open. Gushes out and all that force bursts out and we shake and wonder what on earth is happening. So the expansion of life is also the flavour of insanity. The breakthrough is the breakdown and can only be completed with emotional nerve. Very hard.

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