Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mud Dell

The Yogacara chaps talked about the 3 aspects of reality. It's a while since I read about it so I can't remember the sanskrit words, it is something like deluded aspect, conditioned aspect, perfected aspect. So from where we are, deluded, we see an ego constructed habitually interpreted story of the world. Behind that is reality. We can also see this realtiy from a non-deluded non ego mind. We are seriously deluded. This is not nice and it has consequences for oureslves and others. The world is affected by how we interpret it. If I am deluded, I do not see clearly what is happening. I then add to the openness inherent in reality, I kind of twist it to suit my habitual mind. I think this is why we all experience life in different ways. The Dharma roughly breaks these styles of delusion (halucination) into 6 catagories; the well known 6 realms of the wheel of life. The hungry ghost is oral. He does not beleive he will get what he needs so he is sly. Even when he gets it, he is so used to not getting it that he trashes it to feel 'normal' again. We are addicted to our delusional state. This has been shown to even have neurochemical backing. We recognise our world so we recreate it out of the openness of the situation. Openness drives us crazy so we burry our heads in madness! When we become aware of this we feel worried about our sanity. We hope there is a way out of our madness. The madness is not only of the head, it also pulses around our body. We respond to ghost feelings. feelings of things which occured in the past but which we still live by.

This is all a big muddle!

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