Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tea Sleep

Tea with curdled milk. Mind with curdled heart. Sky with curdled clouds sweeping away last year. Blowingthe dead trees down, across the snakeypath. There are two king fishers who live along the snakey path. It could be that their tree was blown down. When you see one of them, you stop breathing and feel that something wonderfull and fleeting has happened. The shyest bird yet the most intensely coloured. Why is that? After meditation class I feel tired and a bit dull. It is easy to think that the class went badly, but it's just the way I feel. You can't truct what you feel to be the truth sometimes. It is lack of appreciation which mutates the one thing into the other.

Tea with curdled milk. Day with curdled night. The nights seem to last too long and have done for too long. When you start to think like this, it is time for fresh tea, and a fresh look at the sky.

I have this book by Jung on alchemy. Have'nt read much of it though. I keep looking forward to coffee and a long time with a book, it has'nt happened yet. Life is built fast and it is hard to get truely lazy again!

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